Principal’s Message
Principal’s Message

I feel proud and privileged to be the part of this esteemed Institution as a Principal.
Sahajanand International School stresses more to inculcate moral values among students. A lot of stress is laid to empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge.
SIS firmly believes that at a great school, it is not just knowledge that is acquired but most importantly the ‘skills and habits’ that last for lifetime and also preparing our students not only for life but for a purposeful life.
SIS always strives hard to achieve all round development of our students. There is no doubt that this institution has set high standard of academic achievement but at the same time we also focus on the Physical, Social, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual development of our young minds.
The extracurricular activities are a blessing in disguise to our students to gain confidence and excel in every field. The deep roots of India’s rich cultural heritage and mythology are inculcated among our students.
Keeping pace with the advanced modern technology, the traditional classrooms are upgraded with smart classrooms with CC Cameras installed in them. The initiative of starting Coding Classes this year for Std I to X will certainly help our students to cope up with the advanced development of Science and Technology.
The need of the hour, is not to impart bookish knowledge but to teach our students how to live a meaningful life. This institution emphasis a lot on the moral values which helps students to mold their personality.
I personally believe that “Discipline is the backbone to Success” and we train our students to be self-disciplined.
Keeping in view, the present needs, SIS advocates the values of compassion, empathy and respect towards others and the environment and makes sincere efforts to imbibe maximum values among students.
Our ultimate goal is to provide world class learning experience to our students, they must be life-long learners, achieve excellence and contribute to the global world the core values of respect and tolerance.
I consider myself very lucky to be a team Leader of Sahajanand International School.
Please take a moment and visit our school’s website. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concern.
Best wishes for an enriching and fruitful academic year!